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Non working days

* Days with  this style are non working days

Non working days list (2024)

  • 06/01/2024 - Reis
  • 28/03/2024 - Dijous Sant
  • 29/03/2024 - Divendres Sant
  • 01/04/2024 - Dilluns de Pasqua
  • 01/05/2024 - Dia del Treball
  • 20/05/2024 - Festa local
  • 24/06/2024 - Sant Joan
  • 11/09/2024 - Diada Nacional de Catalunya
  • 24/09/2024 - La Mercè
  • 12/10/2024 - Festa Nacional d'Espanya
  • 01/11/2024 - Tots Sants
  • 06/12/2024 - La Constitució
  • 08/12/2024 - La Immaculada
  • Tots els dissabtes i diumenges

List of closing days

Tancament vacances d'estiu 05/08/2024 - 25/08/2024
Tancament Nadal 24/12/2024 - 31/12/2024

For use in the calculation of time periods, the calendar of public holidays is published in accordance with Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the legal framework governing public administrations and common administrative procedures.

The calculation of time periods is regulated in article 31 of Law 39/2015.

Electronic office