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Competition to fill Tenure-elegible Lecturer posts under the Serra Húnter Programme (second call 2017)

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26 publicacions
Notification of candidate shortlist of the selection committee for the competition to fill Tenure-elegibe lecturer posts under the Serra Húnter Programme (UB-LE-522)
29/07/2019 09:23 - Registre de publicació
Resolution of 17 September 2019, by which declares NON-PROVISION the position of the competition tenure-elegible lecturer UB-LE-508 profile "Criminology"
01/10/2019 12:43 - Registre de publicació
RESOLUTION, of 20th January, by which appoints a new selection committee of the selective processes for the recruitment of lecturer (tenure-eligible lecturer), knowledge area Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature, competition reference UB-LE-526, published the 2nd May 2018.
04/02/2020 15:46 - Registre de publicació
UB-LE-526: Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature
04/02/2020 15:52 - Registre de publicació
RESOLUTION, of 12th February, by which appoints a new selection committee of the selective processes for the recruitment of lecturer (tenure-eligible lecturer), knowledge area Hydrogeology, competition reference UB-LE-515, published the 2nd May 2018
26/02/2020 13:11 - Registre de publicació
UB-LE-515: Hydrogeology
26/02/2020 13:22 - Registre de publicació
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