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Competition to fill Tenure-elegible Lecturer posts under the Serra Húnter Programme (second call 2017)

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26 publications
RESOLUTION, of 19th October 2018, by which appoints a new selection committee of the selective processes for the recruitment of lecturer (tenure-eligible lecturer), knowledge area Chemical engineering, competition reference UB-LE-504, published the 2nd May 2018.
RESOLUTION, of 5th November, by which appoints a new selection committee of the selective processes for the recruitment of lecturer (tenure-eligible lecturer), knowledge area Behavioural sciences methodology, competition reference UB-LE-503, published the 2nd May 2018.
RESOLUTION, of 5th November, by which appoints a new selection committee of the selective processes for the recruitment of lecturer (tenure-eligible lecturer), knowledge area Inorganic chemistry, competition reference UB-LE-517, published the 2nd May 2018.
RESOLUTION, of 5th December, by which appoints a new selection committee of the selective processes for the recruitment of lecturer (tenure-eligible lecturer), knowledge area Hidrogeology, competition reference UB-LE-515, published the 2nd May 2018
RESOLUTION, of 19th December, of correction of errors of the Resolution dated 5th December 2018, by which appoints a new selection committee of the selective processes for the recruitment of lecturer (tenure-eligible lecturer), knowledge area Hidrogeology, competition reference UB-LE-515, published the 2nd May 2018
RESOLUTION of 7th January 2019, by which appoints a new selection committee of the selective processes for the recruitment of lecturer (tenure-eligible lecturer), knowledge area Inorganic chemistry, competition reference UB-LE-517, published the 2nd May 2018
RESOLUTION of 1st January 2019, of correction of errors of the Resolution of 19th December of 2018, of correction of errors of the Resolution of 5th December 2018, by which appoints a new selection committee of the selective processes for the recruitment of lecturer (tenure-eligible lecturer), knowledge area Hydrogeology, competition reference UB-LE-515, published the 2nd May 2018
Appointment of 2nd March 2019, of the new chair of the selection committee for the recruitment of lecturer (tenure-eligible lecturer) in the framework of the Serra Húnter program, knowledge area Behavioural Sciences Methodology, code UB-LE-503, by resignation of Dr. Strack
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