Article 31.2 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, of Common Administrative Procedure on Public Administration, stipulates that the calculation of time periods in electronic registries must be governed by the official date and time of the e-office of access, which must take the security measures necessary to safeguard its integrity and ensure the transparency of these measures.
In addition, Royal Decree 203/2021, of 30 March, approving the Regulation of actions and operation of the government sector by electronic media, establishes in article 11.1 f) that an e-office must show its official date and time for the purposes stipulated in article 31.2 of Law 39/2015.
Also, article 15.1 of Royal Decree 4/2010, of 8 January, regulating the national interoperability scheme in the area of electronic administration, provides that systems or applications involved in the electronic provision of a public service must by synchronized with the official time, providing a precision and desfasament that ensure the time periods established for administrative procedures are satisfactory.
This synchronization, as stipulated in section 2 of the same article, must be carried out with the Royal Naval Institute and Observatory, in accordance with the legal time provision in Royal Decree 1308/1992, of 23 October, which designates the Laboratory of the Royal Naval Institute and Observatory as the depository laboratory of Spain's national time standard and associate laboratory of the Spanish Metrological Centre.
In compliance with the above provisions, the official date and time of the E-Office of the University of Barcelona appears in the upper right-hand part of the user's screen.
You can also check the official date and time here.